Here are a few quotes that caught my eye while i was reading them on the web:  



If you can DREAM it,
you can DO it.
Walt Disney


Your talent is God's gift to you.
What you do with it is your gift back to God.
Leo Buscaglia


In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on.
Robert Frost

Every man dies.
Not every man truly lives.


Shoot for the moon.
Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.
Les Brown

Friends are those rare people
who ask how we are
and then wait to hear the answer.
Ed Cunningham

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
E. E. Cummings


The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.


No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.
William Blake


Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
Lord Chesterfield


Nobody ever died of laughter.
Max Beerbohm


Always laugh when you can.
It is cheap medicine.
Lord Byron